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Whale Report – Tuesday 9th August

This morning we saw a pod of 2 humpback whales out at about 9 miles who performed some perduncle throws and fluke up dives for our guests. This afternoon the Skipper found a single whale at 2 nautical miles out and another 2 at 4 nautical miles out, then at 5 miles...

Whale Report – Monday 8th August

A perfect morning with a light breeze and next to no swell made it easy for us to find a couple of active humpbacks only 6 nautical miles out of the harbour. They put on a great display of breeches, tail slaps and pec slaps enjoying the company of a pod of dolphins.  ...

Whale Report-Sunday 7th August

What a beautiful morning out on the water! Today we saw a single whale 2.5 nautical miles out who was heading inshore, to join a pod of 2 whales and some dolphins. The Whales were playing and showing off to our guests on board, displaying some pec slaps, breaching and...

Whale Report – Wednesday 3rd August

What a beautiful morning out on the water today on #whaleone! We had 2 pods of 2 Humpback Whales spotted only 6 nautical miles out. They were showing us some fluke up dives and were diving for about 5 minutes before returning to the surface! And again this afternoon,...

Whale Report – Tuesday August 2nd

Huge amounts of whales were spotted from our decks today, with up to a dozen whales all milling around and under the boat at one stage. 2 competition pods were competing for attention with fluke up dives, breeches and close encounters. We didn’t have to travel...