Oh, what a day for whale watching on the Sunshine Coast! We started out with a sunny day that slowly got a little of welcomed cloud cover. On the first trip, we only traveled 0.8 nautical miles out to sea, taking around 10 minutes before we saw one whale, which came up and stayed buy WHale One for THREE hours! Yes, the whole time we were out this whale stuck by our side and have us quite a show. We saw tail slapping, pectoral fin slapping, lunging, flukes and blows at the surface.
This whale seemed to be an adolescent. We believed this one to be hanging out in the bay for protection since it was young and alone. We also saw dolphins and a sea snake on this trip!
The afternoon trip we travelled out a bit further before finding whales,. roughly 10 nautical miles. We found two whales just coming up for breaths then diving down, mainly traveling. We took an educated guess that these two were on the move to get up to the mating waters. We also saw some dolphins on this trip!
Sunshine Coast Whale Watching Report, Sunreef Mooloolaba