Morning Report
What a beautiful day for whale watching with this stunning weather! Today we had a competition pod of 5 humpback whales. The males swam along as the battled for the females attention. These whales had a lot of surface activity including a lot of aggressive behaviour giving everyone onboard Whale One a show.
Afternoon report
First pod of 2 on a mission north having long down times. Left them to continue north for their annual migration. Encountered two more pods 12 mile offshore, eager to put on a show. Showing off some tail slaps and some massive peduncle throws! We tagged along as this more than active pod tracked towards the south, Great Condition’s out on the water, with lovely sunshine to complement our day!
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Use promo code WEBWW to get the discounted price! Call 1300 942 531 or visit
to get in early! 100% money back guarantee of seeing Whales.