1300 942 531

Onboard Whale One today our guests we are very lucky indeed. First up we had a pod of 2 whales, who had short surface times.
In the distance, we saw a whale breaching so we headed on out to see the active whale. After reaching this sub-adult we were delighted with how much of a show off he was! He displayed every surface behaviour possible!
He came so close to the boat we could tell he was a male. He continued to breach, tail slap, and throw himself around so we could see his bright white stomach! He swam under our boat and came extremely close so we cheered and whistled at his show. After over an hour with us, he said goodbye with a wave from his pec fin!
Just when we thought the day couldn’t get anyway better, we then spotted a pod of 1 female with 2 male escorts with her. These three mugged the boat and gave us even more close up encounters! We saw plenty of whales in the distance overall 15 whales were spotted and many in the distance we didn’t have time to get to!

Come and join us for only $69 for Adults, $46 for Children (4-14 yrs) and Infants under 4 are free! For this special discounte price use the promo code WEBWW!