1300 942 531
July 3rd – Sunday  Total of 8 whales
The skipper reported his first sighting only 6 mile off Point Cartwright this morning. This pod of 2 were swimming very slowly with some very close encounters near the boat. Passengers were enthralled with the sight of these huge mammals. Performing lots of great stunts including Fluke up Dives, Pec Throws & a few Tail Slaps. Conditions today were good on the water with only a 7 knot breeze with only 1 metre of swell. There were a few pods further out as we cruised for over an hour with this friendly group.
The skipper ventured out to find a competition pod only 10 mile offshore this afternoon. This friendly group of whales were pushing and shoving, playing around the boat. One whale had only half his tail fluke. This whale was sighted off Sydney only 10 days ago by a whale researcher Wayne Reynolds. Lots of action on the whale highway today.
Dolphins & a shark were sighted on the return to the harbour.
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2.7 FUD 2.7 TAIL FLUKE 2.7 Whales 3.7 mother & calf 3.7 pec fin