1300 942 531

Sunday 22 June Whale Watching

A total of 10 whales today. It was an action packed day with Head Lunging & there was some activity further out. We cruised out to see another 2 single whales then a pod of 3 humpbacks with lots of Tail Slapping & another pod of 2 were also performing a short...

Saturday 21 June

A total of 8 whales today. Our first pod appeared only 7 mile out. 2 very friendly humpbacks greeted the passengers with plenty of action. With some amazing breaches, Fluke Up Dives, Pectoral Fin slaps and Spy Hopping. All on board had experienced the thrill of close...

Whale Watching Friday 20th June

  Breaches, Tail Slaps, Close Encounters Oh My! We saw our first whale only 5 miles offshore today but headed a bit further out to a whale hotspot where half a dozen humpback whales were hanging out. One pair entertained us by continuously breaching, tail and...

Spectacular weather coming up!

The weather for the next 5 days is looking spectacular. If you were thinking about joining us on a Whale Watching or Dolphin Discovery Cruise now would be a great time! Call us on 1300 942 531 before you miss out!...

Tuesday 17th June 2014

Today the Sunshine Coast really lived up to its name providing us with some beautiful sunny weather! We came across 2 pods of 2 whales both heading north and diving frequently. We then encountered a competition pod of 6 whales giving us some spectacular fluke up dives...