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A total of 5 whales today.

Beautiful calm seas greeted our lucky passengers today and just 8 nautical miles out, two very playful whales gave us a full repertoire show including dual pectoral slapping, head lunging and breaches. We quietened the boat to allow passengers to appreciate just how loud the pectoral slapping actually sounds – very impressive. Once again we were blessed with close encounters as these inquisitive whales came in close beside the boat. We figured this would be hard to beat, however we ventured out another two miles where a further three whales were heading north at about 6 knots. They showed us some lovely fluke up dives but were obviously fully focussed on heading to their breeding grounds. Another fabulous day for our passengers aboard Whale One.

Migaloo seems to have slowed in the warmer waters, and he is now expected to reach the Sunshine Coast on Wednesday or Thursday. There are plenty of places available on Wednesday and Thursday so come and join us as we search for him.