1300 942 531

Sea conditions today were pretty good with 10 knot winds and a low swell.
Our first whales, a mum and 1 week old baby, were spotted just 2 miles NE of Point Cartwright. Mum was breaching as we approached.

Our second sighting of a mum and 4-5 day old calf was exciting, with the energetic baby putting on a show! The baby was doing some half breaches, head lunging and tail slaps for a while, but then got a little curious. It came over to investigate the boat a little more closely – almost bumping us! Mum guided the calf away just in time. They decided to follow the boat for 15 minutes, and the playful calf showed us a trick by rolling over and playing dead. Mum finally joined in the fun with some tail slaps and peduncle throws. All in all, a pretty good day!